—How about the price of these mobile phones?
—They are equal in price, but not cheaper than ________ at the other stores.
A.othersB.itC.thatD.the ones

Sitting on the side of the highway waiting to catch speeding drivers, a police officer saw a car driving along at 22 miles per hour.

He thought to himself, “This driver is just as dangerous as a _______!’’ So he turned on his lights and pulled the driver over.

Getting closer to the car, he noticed that there were_______old ladies, two in the front seat and three in the back,wide eyed and pale faced.

The driver, who knew _______ about what happened, said to him, “Officer, I don’t understand. I was doing exactly the speed limit! What seems to be the _______ ?’’ “Ma’am,” the officer replied, “you weren’t speeding, but you should know that driving _______than the speed limit can also be a danger to other drivers. The same as a speeder.”

“No,sir. I was doing the speed limit — exactly twenty-two miles an hour!’’The old woman said in a _______ voice. The officer, almost unable to control his chuckle, explainedto her that “22” was the route _______,not the speed limit.A bit embarrassed, the woman smiled widely and thanked the officer for _______ her misunderstanding.“But _______ I let you go, ma’am, I have to ask... Is everyone in this car OK? These women seem to be________badly and they haven’t made a single sound this whole time,” the officer asked.“Oh,they’ll be all right in a minute. We just got off Route 119.”

Word Bank       
limit                      限制       
chuckle       窃笑       
route                      公路       
embarrassed            尴尬的1.
A.laughing atB.leading toC.talking aboutD.pointing out

Father and son

       The other day, I was sitting in the study and working on my website, a cup of tea on the table and old songs from my computer. It was a special pleasure to have such a _________ day after weeks of hiking, snowboarding and going crazy.

“Hi dad! Want some orange juice, graybeard?” Coyote yelled (叫喊) to me much louder than_________“No, just bring me some chips!” I shouted back.

One time, when I misheard what he said three times in a row, he ___________that I had become too old and started to hear worse. Since then, yelling at me has become a kind of family joke.

Pushing everything to the limit was the basis of Coyote's character. On one hand, it helped him to achieve tasks he had to do on his own, and he did great, making me proud of him. On the other hand, this brought him___________, as he did not know when to stop. At such moments, I would behave superfatherly, and give him advice and warnings that he usually ignored (忽视). When he wore a green haircut, I would try to convince (说服) him to paint it black. When he got a tattoo (纹身), we had a / an _________ . All these surely drove me mad, and the big fights started. It is strange but when I was a teenager, my father would act exactly the same and it took me a long time to understand him.

“Dad, let me show you something,” Coyote said as he was getting back. “Don't get too _________ , okay?” I sighed (叹气), because I was almost sure of what I was about to see.

When he ___________his T-shirt, I saw a new tattoo: some Buddhist symbol, I guess.Coyote has been interested in Asian culture for a long time.

“Control yourself, graybeard,” I said to myself, trying not to yell something like,“Why the hell would you need another tattoo after you already made that huge first one?”

The next moment I realized that my yelling would not _________ anything; the tattoo was already on Coyote's skin.

And then I thought: “Hey, what if I get a tattoo myself?”


Named after the “quest for heavenly truth”, Tianwen 1, China’s first Mars probe, has given us impressive pictures of the red planet. The first high-resolution(高分辨率的) pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1 were made public by the China National Space Administration (CNSA) ON March 4.

“These are the first close-up pictures of Mars’ surface taken by China,”said Bao Weimin, a scientist of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The probes shot high-definition pictures while traveling in Mars’s orbit, CNSA said. Craters, mountain ridges and sand dunes can clearly be seen. CNSA estimated that the largest crater in the picture could be about 620 meters in diameter.

The pictures were taken at different distances from Mars. The two black-and-white pictures were taken by the high-resolution camera on Tianwen 1 when the probe was about 330—350 kilometers above the Martian surface. As for the color picture, it was taken by Tianwen 1’s medium-resolution camera when the probe was about 5,000 kilometers above the red planet. It shows Mars’ North Pole.

“It is the shooting modes that determine if the pictures are black-and-white or colored,” said Liu Tongjie, deputy director of the lunar Exploration and Space Engineering of CNSA.

The high-resolution camera can take both color and panchromatic(全色的) pictures. Panchromatic pictures, which are black and white, are the clearest, containing the largest amount of data for scientific study, said Liu. The medium-resolution camera, although featuring automatic exposure(自动曝光) and remote control, can only produce lesser clear pictures. Scientists put the panchromatic and color pictures together to form a clear and beautiful color picture, Liu added.

Tianwen 1, the country’s first independent Mars mission, was launched on July 23, kicking off the nation’s planetary exploration program. The probe entered its preset parking orbit above Mars on Feb. 24 and is looking for a landing site on the planet’s largest plain, known as Utopia Planitia. The probe is expected to land on the red planet sometime between May and June.

1.What do we know about the pictures of Mars taken by Tianwen 1?
A.CNSA released five high-resolution pictures of Mars recently.
B.Mountain ridges are not clear enough in the pictures.
C.The panchromatic pictures include more data.
D.They are the first close-up pictures taken of Mars.
2.How were these pictures taken?
A.They were taken by a high-resolution camera.
B.They were taken in different shooting modes.
C.The colors of the pictures were adjusted by a remote control.
D.They were taken when the probe passed Utopia Planitia.
3.When is Tianwen 1 expected to land on Mars?
A.Between March and April.B.In May or June.
C.By the end of this year.D.Sometime in October.
4.What is the author’s main purpose in writing the passage?
A.To describe the advantages of taking these pictures of Mars.
B.To tell us the difficulties in taking pictures of Mars.
C.To introduce the pictures of Mars released by CNSA.
D.To inform readers of the importance of these pictures of Mars.
5.In which section of a newspaper can you read this passage?
A.Health and sport.B.History and literature.
C.Science and technology.D.Population and environment.

Friendship in a Car Race

There were small wild cars that would drive freely around the countryside. So the wild car races became very famous. Everyone _______ about driving them in the races. For boys, their light weights and their honesty made them ideal (理想的) drivers. As it was difficult to find light children with such good hearts, competitions were held to discover new _______ once a year.

One day, a testing team arrived at the small town where Nick lived. Like many others, Nick didn't sleep that night while waiting his turn to join in the competition _______ . During the wait, many boys rehearsed (排练) and practiced a lot. Unfortunately a great deal of elbowing (用肘推) and pushing told that not all were as good as they _______ when the gates were opened.

When Nick's turn came, he rushed into a car. He was so excited that he hardly noticed a boy with crutches(拐杖)waiting behind him. Then he heard the head of the testing team say, "I'm very _______ , there are no cars left, and this is the last test of the day." Seeing the boy's deep sadness, Nick quickly got out of his car and said, "It's OK. He can have my _______ ."

The boy got in, filled with joy. But before setting off, he saw the sad expressions on Nick's face and he _______ out his hand, saying, "Get in. We'll go together, even though it'll make us a bit slower."

Nick jumped in. Their car sounded like a rocket (火箭)! The race broke all known records, and during that season Nick and his friend won every competition they entered, _______ their friendship and good wishes to every corner of the world.


[1]Water is important in our life, but sometimes water can be dangerous for kids. So we must pay attention to the kids’ safety in water. Water safety begins at home or in the pool. Here are some suggestions for you.

[2]Be(4)①________ of the hot water. Hot water can be dangerous, especially for kids under five. These young kids have thinner skin than older kids and adults, so it’s easier for them to be burnt(烫伤). Staying in hot water that’s 60℃ for just 3 seconds can give a child a third-degree burn. You can reduce the risk by testing the water with your wrist(腕)or elbow before placing your kid in bath.

[3]Watch out for danger in the bathroom. The bathroom is full of danger for young kids. Never leave a young child alone in the bathroom, especially while he or she is bathing. Remember to put away hair dryers and all other electrical appliances(家用电器)to avoid the risk.

[4]Never let kids swim alone. Swimming in the water may make you feel great. As the kids move in the water, many small muscle(肌肉)groups are working to help them keep balance. But it’s not a perfect sport because of the risk of injury(伤害). For example, many types of swimming need repeated arm movements. Over time, the movements can cause shoulder and neck injuries. So it’s dangerous when they stay in the water alone, they may even drown(溺亡). So the kids are not supposed to swim(4)②________ their parents’ company(陪伴).

[5]Everyone should realize the importance of water safety. (75)To keep the kids safe, we need to learn more about what we should do. After all, everyone(4)③________ only one life!

1.Why is it easier for young kids to be burnt? (No more than 10 words)
2.What things should be put away to avoid the risk according to the third paragraph? (No more than 12 words)
3.What may happen if the kids repeat arm movements for a long time while swimming? (No more than 14 words)
4.Fill in each blank in the passage with one proper word.
___________       ___________       ___________
5.Translate the underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph into Chinese.
6.If your classmate invites you to swim in the river, what’s your proper response(回应)?Please write down your answer and list one or two reasons.

For most of us, the simple, cheap and common bicycle is just a means of transportation. But the United Nations sees it as a useful weapon to fight climate change.

On March 15, the UN General Assembly passed a resolution (决议) supporting bicycles as a tool for dealing with climate change. The resolution calls on member countries to include bicycles in public transportation options (选择). More cyclists mean fewer greenhouse gases. More specifically, it focuses on bicycle-sharing services.

The resolution is not surprising. On Feb 28th 2022, the UN brought out a new report on climate change. It warns that the global average temperature will rise by 1.5℃ above pre-industrial levels (1850-1900), with more than 40 percent of the world’s population “highly vulnerable (脆弱的)” to climate change.

The UN said transportation is the third-largest source of carbon dioxide (CO₂), a greenhouse gas that causes global warming. Choosing a bike over a car just once a day can reduce a person’s transportation carbon emissions (排放) by 67 percent, according to a University of Oxford study.

The UN resolution could be seen as an approval (认可) of China’s 14 years of bike sharing, noted CGTN. More than 360 Chinese cities have bike-sharing systems that deal with nearly 20 million bicycles for an average 47 million trips each day, said China’s Ministry of Transport. It reduces CO₂ by 4.8 million tons every year, according to a 2020 report from the World Resources Institute.

In fact, bikes have been booming worldwide since the COVID-19 outbreak. Cycling to work is a safer choice for many Europeans as they worry about getting infected (感染) on buses and subways. Plus, gyms had to close during months of lockdowns, so people turned to bicycles for exercise, reported China News. In Spain, in May 2020, bike sales increased 22-fold (倍) compared with 2019. In London, large parts of the city are being closed off to cars so that people can walk and cycle safely. Cities like Berlin and Montreal have also added new, wider bike lanes.

1.To deal with climate change, the United Nations encourage member countries to ________.
A.close cities off to carsB.encourage bike riding
C.share people’s bicyclesD.repair broken bicycles
2.The underlined word “booming” means ________.
3.What do we know about China’s bike-sharing industry?
A.It serves 47 million people per day.
B.It has reduced 4.8 million tons of CO₂.
C.Its services in small cities need to be improved.
D.It has played an important role in protecting the environment.
Answer the questions(根据短文内容回答问题)

Three years ago, Cash Daniels was walking on a beach when he found some plastic. He started thinking about the effect plastic pollution has on the environment, especially on rivers and oceans. That’s when he got interested in environmental issues.

Cash, now 12, found that rivers are at the heart of the problem. A report in Science Advances said that far more rivers are carrying large amounts of plastic into our oceans than was once thought. This news hit close to home for Cash. He lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee. The city sits on the Tennessee River. It’s one of the most polluted rivers in the world. This information led Cash to take action. He made it his mission to clear garbage from public spaces and waterways.

At first, Cash and his parents worked to pick up garbage near the Tennessee River. But soon he realized he would need more help. So he organized community cleanup outings. Eventually, he and other volunteers removed more than 11,000 pounds of garbage from the river. Cash has also partnered with businesses to recycle plastic bottles and cans. He has recycled more than 2,000 pounds of them. The money he earned from that supported river protection efforts. Cash loves sea animals. By cleaning waterways, he helps protect these creatures.

He also set up fishing-line recycling containers(容器) along the Tennessee River. People can throw away their fishing line in these instead of in the water, where it entangles(缠住) wildlife.

Cash enjoys getting other kids involved in these activities. He wrote a children’s book called One Small Piece. It’s about pollution in waterways and oceans. Cash also co-founded the Cleanup Kids. The group encourages children not to throw away anything that can be recycled. “Kids may be small percentage of the population,” Cash says, “but they are 100% of the future.”

1.Cash got interested in environmental issues when he was 9, didn’t he?
2.What did Cash decide to do when he knew about the Tennessee River?
3.Who did Cash work with at first when picking up garbage near the Tennessee River?
4.What does the underlined word “that” in the third paragraph refer to?
It refers to “______________________________”.
5.Why did Cash set up fishing-line recycling containers along the Tennessee River?
6.What is the implied(隐含的) meaning of the underlined sentence in the last paragraph?

The opening ceremony of Beijing 2022 Olympic Winter Games started at 8 p. m. on February 4th, and this event ended on February 20th. Many Chinese athletes got good grades in this exciting event. The followings were the greatest of them.

Gu Ailing, also known as Eileen Gu, is an 18-year-old Chinese skier. She won a gold medal on the 8th of February in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games. She was born in San Francisco. Her father is American and her mother is a Chinese.

Chinese snowboarder Su Yiming was born on 18th of February, 2004. He stormed the men’s snowboarding big platform final as the best performer in the qualification rounds on Tuesday, won a gold medal on the 15th of February in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympic Games.

China’s Ren Ziwei who was born on 3rd of June, 1997, won the men’s 1000m of short track speed skating at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on Monday. He is an excellent athlete as well as Li Wenlong and Wu Dajing. They are all Chinese pride.

Xu Mengtao—whose nickname is called “Tao-Tao”—has spent the last 16 years traveling the globe looking for little victories wrapped up in all those twists and spins. On Monday night, she won the women’s aerials freestyle skiing and she has become China’s most successful female jumper of this generation.

1.This passage is mainly about ________.
A.OlympicB.athletesC.Gu AilingD.Ren Ziwei
2.How long will the event last?
A.Twenty days.B.Fifteen days.C.Four days.D.Seventeen days.
3.What do you know about Gu Ailing?
A.A Chinese athlete.B.An American athlete.C.A foreign athlete.D.A Japanese athlete.
4.How old is Ren Ziwei?
A.18 years old.B.20 years old.C.25 years old.D.28 years old.
5.Which of the following is TRUE according to this passage?
A.Xu Mengtao won the women’s freestyle snowboarding.
B.Su Yiming got a gold medal in the men’s snowboarding big platform.
C.Li Wenlong won the first place of the men’s 1000m of short track speed skating.
D.This was the 22nd Olympic Winter Games.

Building started in AD 122 and finished in AD 130, the Hadrian’s Wall goes across from the east to the west coast of northern Britain. It was built to control people entering the Roman Empire from what is now Scotland. A colorful new artwork was made last year to celebrate the Hadrian’s Wall 1900 Festival.

The artwork stands beside the remains of the Hadrian’s Wall. It is called The Future Belongs To What Was As Much As What Is. It is 9 metres wide and 16 metres tall. The artwork was designed by artist Myerscough, who is known for her bright and colorful creations. “The moment I stood in the remains and found they were unchanged from Roman times, I had an overwhelming feeling of wanting to make an artwork here. I knew immediately this was the right place.” said Myerscough.

Myerscough worked with the poet Ellen Moran and community groups to create the artwork. And the wall of the artwork is covered with small signs painted by local people. Some words and phrases on the signs were chosen by the poet Ellen Moran, such as “freedom”, “love” and “everybody’s welcome”. The artwork attracted lots of tourists. Anybody who visited would love it, because they could go inside it and look down, to see the same view as Roman soldiers had seen. It could help people see the Hadrian’s Wall from a different perspective.

As part of the Hadrian’s Wall 1900 Festival, the art celebration was open to the public until 30th October, 2022. After that, the artwork was completely removed and the signs were given back to the local people who helped paint them.

1.According to the passage, where is Hadrian’s Wall on the map?
2.The underlined words “an overwhelming feeling” in Paragraph 2 probably means a/an ______ feeling.
3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Myerscough created the bright artwork by herself.
B.Local people chose the words on the artwork wall.
C.Roman soldiers saw views better through the artwork.
D.The artwork closed down after 30th October, 2022.
4.What’s the best title for the passage?
A.A tourist attraction in Rome times
B.Hadrian’s Wall, a symbol of peace
C.Art celebration for Hadrian’s Wall
D.An artist known for bright artworks