—How is everything going?        --_________.
A.Everything is finishedB.Nothing has been done
C.Not so bad, you knowD.Not doing wrong, you see
—Would you mind me___      _ basketball here?
—Of course not.
A.playB.playedC.to playD.playing
Dear Lucy

How are you? It has been a month since my family left Hong Kong for England and we are fine.

England is very different from Hong Kong. The weather is terrible and it rains a lot. The buildings are funny. They are in rows and not high. I love them because the rooms are much larger. I’m having a wonderful at my new school and my new home!

Mum and Dad are happy with their new jobs. But my brother Jack doesn’t like moving to England because he misses his friends so much.

I’ve made lots of new friends at school. My teachers are really nice too and my English has improved a lot. After school, we can take part in relaxing activities such as sport, watching films or playing computer games. There’s a park near the school where I often go with the other students at the weekend.

We are travelling back to Hong Kong for the summer holiday. I will visit you and bring you a present!

Write back soon!

1.Where did Sandy’s family live before?
A.Hong Kong.B.Sydney.C.New York.D.London.
2.Sandy loves the buildings in England because their rooms are          .
3.How many people are there in Sandy’s family?
4.Who does not like moving to England?
5.What is the letter mainly about?
A.Sandy’s summer holiday.B.Sandy’s parents.
C.Sandy’s new classmates.D.Sandy’s new life.

In many ways, our memories define (定义) our sense of self. You first have a sense of yourself early in life, perhaps as young as 18 months, when you recognize that the little baby you see in the mirror is really you, and not another child. As you progress through childhood and into teenage years, you start to develop a set of views about your identity (身份), including how your body looks and performs, your abilities, your personality and your place in society.

While we are growing up, we start to create our own descriptions about the events we have gone through, or what I call the “life story”. Our identities are shaped by our life stories, as the memories of these stories gradually become a part of our sense of self. Of all these memories, the most important are “self-defining memories”. They are remembered most clearly and can help to build up our overall sense of self most greatly.

Learning to recognize your own self-defining memories can help you gain important insights about your identity. The easiest way to discover your own self-defining memories is by thinking about the events in your life that you are most likely to tell other people about when they say “tell me a little about yourself”.

However, self-defining memories are always changing as you experience more events. They may vary according to your age and what you care about in present life.

In a study, scientists compared older adults with college students. They found that older adults were more likely to feel more positively (正面地) about their self-defining memories, even if the memories were of events that were negative in nature. A similar study also suggests that older adults have found ways to make sense out of their life stories. They turn memories of troubling events into positive stories, and in this way, they make peace with their past struggles (挣扎). For younger adults, troubling events cause them to experience more pain when they recall them. As scientists have discovered, a self-defining memory does not have to be positive in order for you to grow from it. It’s not the event, but the meaning you make out of the event, that affects (影响) your sense of well-being.

Discovering your self-defining memories is an important step in dealing with your life experiences. By recognizing and making sense out of past events, your identity can continue to grow and improve how you see yourself, both now, and in the future.

1.What can we learn from the passage?
A.Our self-defining memories have little to do with age.
B.Our own descriptions of life experiences shape our identity.
C.We should share positive life stories when introducing ourselves.
D.We start to have self-defining memories when we are 18 months old.
2.From the studies mentioned in Paragraph 5, we know ________.
A.important events can be changed by time
B.older adults have few troubling life events
C.making sense out of memories helps us to grow
D.self-discovery happens during positive experiences
3.Which would be the best title for the passage?
A.Self-defining memories: How others get to know you
B.Self-defining memories: A collection of pleasant memories
C.Self-defining memories: A great way to understand yourself
D.Self-defining memories: Describing your best self to the world

Think back to when you were in a classroom, maybe a maths classroom and the teacher set a difficult problem. Which of the two following responses is closer to the way you reacted?

A: Oh no, this is too hard for me. I’m not even going to seriously try and work it out.

B: Ah, this is quite hard but I like to push myself. Even if I don’t get the answer right, maybe I’ll learn something in the attempt (尝试).

Early in her career, the psychologist Carol Dweck of Stanford University gave a group of ten-year-olds problems that were slightly too hard for them. One group reacted positively said they loved challenge and understood that their abilities could be developed. She said they had a “growth mindset” and focused on what they could achieve in the future. But another group of children felt that their intelligence was being judged and they had failed. They had a “fixed mindset” and were unable to imagine improving. These students even looked for someone who had done worse than them to boost (提升) their self-esteem (自尊). Professor Dweck believes that there is a problem in education at the moment. For years, children have been praised for their intelligence or talent, but thus makes them vulnerable (脆弱的) to failure. They want to please by getting high grades, but they are not necessarily interested in learning for its own sake (目的). The solution, according to Dweck, is to praise the process that children are engaged (忙于) in making an effort, using learning strategies, persevering (坚持) and improving. This way they will become mastery-oriented (interested in getting better at something) and will achieve more. She thinks that keeping working hard over time is the key to outstanding achievement.

Psychologists have been testing these theories. Students were taught that if they left their comfort zone and learned something new and difficult, the neurons (神经元) in their brains would form stronger connections, making them more intelligent. These students made faster progress than a control group. In another study, some under-performing school children were exposed (接触) to growth mindset skills for a year. The results were surprising. They came top in tests, beating children from much more better schools. These children had previously (以前) felt that making an effort was a sign of stupidity, but they came to see it as the key to learning.

So, back to our original question. If you answered B, well done —you already have a growth mindset. If A, don’t worry, everyone can become mastery-oriented with a little effort and self-awareness.

1.A growth mindset person is the one who ________.
A.focuses on what he has achieved at present
B.faces challenges positively to help himself grow
C.looks for someone who did worse than him
D.is unwilling to experience what he doesn’t know
2.What can we learn from Professor Dweck’s study?
A.Praising children for their intelligence has a positive influence on learning.
B.A person with a fixed mindset can easily improve himself in his comfort zone.
C.Intelligence or talent is the key to people’s outstanding achievement.
D.Guiding students to focus on learning process can help them achieve more.
3.The writer would agree that ________.
A.testing students often can make them more intelligent
B.keeping working hard makes people vulnerable to failure
C.practicing growth mindset skills helps students get improvement
D.staying in the comfort zone is a good way to boost students’ self-esteem
4.What is the writer’s main purpose in writing this passage?
A.To encourage people to develop a growth mindset.
B.To explain a scientific experiment about intelligence.
C.To discuss what the true meaning of achievement is.
D.To compare the differences between growth mindset and fixed mindset.
Write at least 60 words on the topic “How to be a civilized tourist’’(以“如何当一名文明游客”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格)
The following is for reference only.(以下内容仅供参考)
pay attention to our behaviors (行为)
respect the local customs
It is necessary/terrible…
Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentences(听对话,完成下列句子。每空格限填一词)
1.We should take the bus ______ ______ to cut down air pollution.
2.Bike riding is good for health and it doesn’t ______ ______.
3.Susan started to bring a bag to go shopping ______ ______ ago.
4.Jason thinks the chopsticks at home ______ ______ than the wooden ones in takeaway food shops.
5.We should do something to keep ______ ______ clean and beautiful for everyone.

Walk or drive to work? Which way is lower in carbon (碳)? To be friendly to the environment, you may choose to walk. Have you ever tried to live a low-carbon life through your diet (日常饮食)?

A new study from the University of Oxford has looked into the health and environmental influences of 15 foods common in western diets. Among these, plant based (基于植物的) foods included fruits, vegetables, nuts and potatoes. It also studied animal-based foods, including red meat, chicken, milk products, eggs and fish.

According to the study’s lead researcher, Michael Clark, “Choosing better and greener diets is one of the main ways people can improve their health and protect the environment.” That is to say, plant-based diets are much healthier for us and kinder to the environment.

To get this result, researchers compared the influence of eating another portion (一份) of each food with the increased risk of a few illnesses. They also found out the environmental harm for each animal-based food and each plant-based food.

By using this method, the study found that red meats were the most unfriendly foods to the environment. Keeping farm animals produces a large number of methane (甲烷) that keeps 30 times more heat than CO2. As well as making the earth warmer, eating too much red meat is known to increase the risk of a few illnesses, such as heart trouble.

Plant-based diets can give us the same health benefits in a much greener way. According to the study, without eating or using meat and milk products, global farmland use could be cut down by more than 75% and still feed the world.

Speaking to the Guardian (英国卫报), Tim Benton of Chatham House (英国皇家国际事务研究所) said, “If we can give people reasonable official (官方的) advice of what a healthy and green diet is, the world and its people would be in a much better place.”

1.Which one is animal-based food?
A.Milk products.B.Fruits.C.Potatoes.D.Vegetables.
2.What’s the result of this study?
A.Many people choose to walk to work.
B.Plant-based diets are healthier and greener.
C.The more we eat, the better the environment is.
D.15 foods common in western diets are not healthy.
3.What is the main idea of paragraph 5?
A.The harm of CO2.B.The risk of heart trouble.
C.A reason for keeping animals.D.Two disadvantages of red meats.
4.What does the underlined word “benefits” in paragraph 6 mean in Chinese?
5.What will this study probably be used for?
A.Teaching farmers to plant vegetables correctly.
B.Offering doctors new methods to treat patients.
C.Guiding people to lose weight by doing exercise.
D.Giving official advice on health and environment.
        There are almost as many ways to write as there are kinds of texts. Some writers cannot produce a word unless they are poised behind a desk, while others prefer to write sitting outdoors or in noisy restaurants. Some writers create an entire work before going back to read what they have written, while others may rewrite a single paragraph many times before moving on. Individual writers' techniques may be different, but successful writers do have one thing in common: the writing process(步骤). The writing process is made up of four stages, and each stage involves certain activities. The chart below summarizes what happens during each stage of the writing process.
        What You Do During the Writing Process
Prewriting●Choose your topic
●Identify your purpose and audience, and select a writing form appropriate to
hat purpose and audience
●Generate ideas and gather information about the topic
●Begin to organize the in formation
●Decide the main point you want to express
a Draft(草稿)
●Catch your readers' attention in the introduction
●Provide background information.
●State your main Points. your support, and your elaboration of them
●Follow a plan of organization.
●Wrap up with a conclusion.
Revising(修改)●Evaluate your draft
●Revise the draft to improve its content, organization, and style.
Publishing●Proofread, or edit your final draft.
●Publishing O Publish, or share your finished writing with readers.
●Reflect on your writing experience

1.What do successful writers have in common?
A.They have the writing processB.They like to read what they have written
C.They write outdoors or in noisy restaurantsD.They rewrite a single paragraph many times
2.When you write a draft, you should ________.
A.choose your writing topic
B.get your readers' attention in the introduction
C.publish or share your finished writing with readers
D.revise the draft to improve its content, organization and style
3.What is the best title of the passage?
A.Writing PointsB.Writing Ways
C.Writing as a ProcessD.Writing with Materials

In ancient times, the Four Great Inventions in China had a great influence on the whole world. In recent years, China once again has ________ its ability to change the world with its “four great new inventions”: high-speed railways, mobile payment, bike-sharing and online shopping.

Do you know ________ the new inventions can appear in China? The “four great new inventions” are ________ related to China’s high-tech innovation (创新). For example, the operating mode of bike-sharing is based ________ the satellite navigation system (卫星导航系统), mobile payment, big data and other high technologies. This shows that China’s high-tech innovation has greatly ________ the quality of people’s lives.

China has entered a new innovative era, thanks to the large amount of ________ that China has spent encouraging innovation. China is beginning to ________ in innovation in some ways.

“The ‘four great new inventions’ have surely improved customer experience, and helped national and global(全球的) economy ________ at the same time,” said Charlie Dai, principal analyst (首席分析师) of an American market research company.

As a whole, all the Chinese are ________ of their four new inventions. It is increasingly clear that China is innovating and no longer copying western ideas. More and more foreigners ________ to promote (促进) economic development in their countries by learning from China’s innovation.
