
The World Environmental Day


Started by the United Nations in 1972, it is on 1. 5th every year.


Since it was started, it has been widely 2.. It is not only to
improve people’s sense of environmental 3., but also...


People plant trees, hold concerts and give 4.


The event also has 5. themes every year.

听短文,回答下面四个问题,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。你将有 20秒钟的时间阅读下面4个小题。
1.When did the speaker leave Sierra Leone?
A.When he was two.B.When he was three.C.When he was ten.
2.What sport does the speaker like to play best?
3.How is the speaker going to France this year?
A.By car.B.By train.C.By plane.
4.What does the speaker’s father do?
A.A teacher.B.A volleyball player.C.A swimmer.
They ________ that a passport be carried with you at all times.

A long time ago the Mongols ruled(统治)China. The Hans wanted to force the Mongols back to Mongolia, but they could not find a way to organize their army. Everywhere they went, the Mongols watched closely.

Worst of all, the Mongols forced every twentieth Chinese family to give shelter to one Mongol soldier.

Zhu Yuanzhang was a hero of the Han people. He wanted to overthrow(推翻)the Mongols. He had already led several uprisings(暴动), but he had been defeated. He was talking one day to his adviser Liu Bowen.

“It’s nearly time for the Mid-autumn Festival,” he said. “We still haven’t been able to drive the Mongols away. I’m very unhappy about it.”

Liu Bowen did not reply. He was thinking about moon cakes. People would exchange moon cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival.

Zhu Yuanzhang continued, “The Mongols will be watching every move we make. They will be in the houses when we go to greet our friends. They will listen to everything we say. How can we organize our army? How can we overthrow them?” He looked at Liu Bowen, “Why aren’t you speaking?” he asked.

“Moon cakes,” said Liu Bowen. “That’s the answer. Moon cakes.”

“I think you’ve gone mad,” said Zhu Yuanzhang, “How can cakes be the answer to a problem like this?”

“Do you think that the Mongols will object if we give our friends moon cakes?”

“Of course not,” said Zhu, “We do it every year. They’re quite used to it.”

“I have an idea for passing information without the Mongols knowing anything about it,”said Liu Bowen. “We’ll put a message into each cake telling people when to attack.”

Zhu Yuanzhang was delighted. “What a good idea!” he said. “The Mongols will never suspect anything.”

Their people worked very hard to make moon cakes for the Han people. Into each moon cake they put a little piece of paper. Then it was wrapped in waxed paper so that it would not be spoiled.

When the Han people received their moon cakes, they soon learned the time and date of the attack. The Mongols suspected nothing.

At last the night of the attack came. The people in the city rose up and killed the Mongol soldiers living in their houses. The Han people won and the Yuan Dynasty was overthrown. At last the Ming Dynasty was set up in 1368.

1.Who came up with the idea for passing information by moon cakes?
A.The Han people.B.The army commander.C.Zhu Yuanzhang.D.Liu Bowen.
2.Which of the following sentence is true?
A.All the Chinese families have to give shelter to the Mongol soldiers.
B.A little piece of paper was put into each moon cake to pass information.
C.The Mongols suspected something at first,
D.The Mongols were used to giving cakes at the Mid-autumn Festival.
3.Please put the events below into a correct order.
a. The Mongols ruled China harshly.
b. People learned the information about the attack.
c. Liu Bowen thought of an idea to organize the army.
d. The Ming Dynasty was set up.
e. The moon cakes were baked with a little piece of paper slipped into each one.
f. Zhu Yuanzhang led some uprisings but was defeated.
g. People rose up and killed the Mongol soldiers.
4.Which could be the best title for the passage?
A.How the Moon Cakes Saved China
B.How the Han People Exchanged the Moon Cakes
C.How the Mongols Ruled China
D.How the Yuan Dynasty Was Set up
We asked John and Henry some easy questions, but________of them could answer them.

Mr. Wang is a teacher. He has a son and a daughter. His children like to travel very much. Mr. Wang and his family are going on a trip to England. This is their plan.

First, they leave for Beijing by train. The train arrives in Beijing at two o’clock on March 30. Then they will leave the train station and go to the airport by car. They’ll take a plane to Hong Kong first and then change a plane to England. The plane arrives in Hong Kong at six o’clock on the night of March 30. Ten hours later, they reach England. Then the family will take a bus to London. They will arrive in London at night and stay there for a week. Then they will come back to China.

1.Mr. Wang and his family are going to England for a trip.
2.They take a bus to Beijing.
3.They’ll go to Hong Kong by car.
4.The plane arrives in London on the night of March 30.
5.They will stay in Paris for a week.
She was so angry at ______he was doing ______she walked out without a word.
A.what; thatB.that ; whatC.what ; whatD.that ; that

We’re all great in our own way


A lonely elephant made her way into a forest. It was a new place for her. She hoped to make some friends. She walked up to a monkey and said, “Hello, monkey! Will you be my friend?” The monkey said, “You are too big to swing like me, so I can’t be your friend.”

The elephant then went to a rabbit and asked the same question. The rabbit said, “You are too big to fit in my burrow (洞穴), so I can’t be your friend.” The elephant also went to a frog and asked the same question. The frog said, “You are too heavy to jump as high as me, so I can’t be your friend.

The elephant was sad. She couldn’t make friends! Then one day, she saw all the animals running into the forest. She asked a bear what was happening. The bear said, “The lion is hunting for food. They are running away from him.”

The elephant went up to the lion and said, “Please don’t eat these animals!” The lion laughed and asked the elephant to leave. Then, the elephant got angry and pushed (推) the lion as hard as she could, scaring him away. All the other animals slowly came out and saw that the lion was gone. They went to the elephant and said, “You are just the right size to be our friend!”

1.How did the elephant feel when she came to the new place?
2.Why did the monkey refuse to be friends with the elephant?
3.Where did the rabbit live?
4.To scare the lion away, what did the elephant do?
5.How many animals are mentioned in the passage?
1.What does David sometimes help his mother do?
A.Do some washing.B.Do some shopping.C.Do some cooking.
2.How old is Sam?
3.What's the relationship between David and Sam?
A.They are classmates.B.They are brothers.C.They are cousins.
4.What does David like best?
A.Singing songs.B.Drawing pictures.C.Playing football.
5.Where does the club often take the students to draw?
A.The zoo.B.The park.C.The museum.

The sun sets on a field in southern England. When it rises again the following morning, that field has been changed into a huge work of art. A large part of the crop (庄稼) has been pressed into a pattern of circles, squares and other shapes.

Farmers have reported finding strange circles in their fields for centuries. The earliest mention of a crop circle dates back to the 1500s. Crop circles, however, didn’t get attention until 1980, when a farmer in England discovered three circles in his field. The world first began to learn about crop circles.

By the 1990s, crop circles had become something of a tourist attraction. In 1990 alone, more than 500 circles appeared in Europe. Within the next few years, there were thousands.

Crop circles can come in many different shapes, changing in size. Most early crop circles were simple. But after 1990, the circles changed. Crops can be made to look like just about anything — smiling faces, flowers or even words.

People have long been wondering who or what is creating these crop circles. Possibly the most widely known idea is that crop circles are the work of visitors from other planets.

Probably the most scientific opinion says that crop circles are created by vortices (涡旋). They force the air down to the ground, which presses the crops down. Dr. Terence Meaden, an expert, says when the dust (沙尘) gets caught up in a vortex, it can appear to glow (发光), which may explain the UFO-like glowing lights many people have seen.

1.How does the author introduce the topic?
A.By telling a story.B.By asking a question.
C.By giving a comparison.D.By describing a scene.
2.When did the world become interested in crop circles?
A.In the 1500s.B.After 1980.C.In 1900.D.After 1990.
3.Which of the following is TRUE about crop circles in Paragraph 4?
A.Early crop circles were very small in size.
B.Large crop circles were usually round in shape.
C.Crop circles of all kinds began to appear after 1990.
D.Flower-shaped crop circles were first found in the 1500s.
4.Which point do you think Dr. Terence Meaden would agree with?
A.Crop circles may be man-made.
B.Crop circles could be marks left by aliens.
C.The UFO-like light could be caused by dust.
D.Vortices are sure to create perfectly shaped crop circles.
5.Which is the best way to divide the passage?