
He was the only gray cub (狼崽) of the she-wolf. The other cubs had red in their hair. He was gray like his father. He was the strongest cub. He showed more anger than his brothers and sisters. He made more noises.

He was a carnivorous animal. He came of a breed of meat-killers and meat-eaters. His father and mother lived wholly upon meat. In his first months of life, he lived on mother’s milk, which was transformed directly from meat. And now, at a month old, when his eyes had been open for about a week, he was beginning himself to eat meat.

There came a time when there was no meat. For many days the cubs did not eat. They were too weak and tired to play. One-Eye, the cub’s father, was killed in the fight over food. Even the she-wolf left the cave to find meat, but there was nothing. One by one, the cubs died. Only the she-wolf and the gray cub were left.

One day, the gray cub ran out of the cave to hunt for his own food. He met a weasel (黄鼠狼) of his size. The rat-like animal ran at him and bit his throat. He was nearly dead when the she-wolf arrived just in time to kill and eat it.

The gray cub was not good at hunting yet, and still needed food from his mother. One day, the she-wolf brought him a lynx (猞猁) kitten. While eating, he heard great noise. The kitten’s mother had followed the she-wolf here. The she-wolf and the she-lynx started to fight, and they would fight to the death. The bite was enough to give the she-wolf the chance she needed. The lynx was dead, but the she-wolf was badly hurt. For a week, she did not move. The gray cub had to find food for both of them.

Without his mother to take care of him, he learnt what life was about. Without meat there was no life. Animals had to eat other animals to survive. The law was: EAT OR BE EATEN.

(—Taken from White Fang)

1.What does the underlined word “carnivorous” mean?
2.Which of the following can prove the law of meat?
A.The gray cub made more noises.
B.The gray cub was the strongest cub.
C.The she-lynx fought against the she-wolf.
D.The gray cub was gray like his father, One-Eye.
3.Which sentence should go in the empty box in Paragraph 5?
A.Wolves live only on meat.
B.Soon he was losing a lot of blood.
C.He ran forward and bit one of her legs.
D.He could not stop the lynx from biting him.
4.What is the correct order of what happened to the gray cub in the story?
①He was left after many days’ hunger.
②He lived on mother’s milk in his first months.
③He had to find food for his mother and himself.
④He met a weasel of his size and was nearly dead.
5.After reading the passage, we can infer that ________.
A.The cub’s brothers and sisters died of hunger
B.One-Eye, the father died from a fight for meat
C.Life was easy for the she-wolf and the gray cub
D.The she-wolf came in time to kill and eat the weasel

In school, you surely have had the e1. that there are good students and not so good ones. And there are the outstanding (优秀的) ones. In this passage, we will give you some tips on how to become part of the group of great and outstanding students.

An outstanding student is a person who is c2. and sees things differently. He always asks questions and has a lot of ideas. He likes to c3. things to other experiences. And yes, he usually gets good if not the best grades in school.

You shouldn’t c4. much about grades, though. If you pay all your attention to getting good grades, then you’ll miss the point. You don’t start with good grades and then become brilliant and outstanding. It is the other way around.

So how can you become an “A” student? You can have only ideas and creative breakthroughs (突破) about things you know. The more k5. you have, the more you are able to connect these separate parts and facts in unusual ways. You are likely to ask interesting q6.. And you might even come up with surprising answers.

W7. more, you should also know that understanding new knowledge is not always easy, especially if the knowledge is completely new to you. It may take you several days or e8. weeks to take it in. So start early reading your learning material. Understanding is the f9. purpose of your learning. Rote learning (死记硬背) of facts w10. understanding is not helpful, even completely useless.


Hybrid cars (混合动力车) are cars that run on petrol (汽油) and electricity. The have a small standard petrol engine (引擎) and a battery electric motor to provide electric power.

There are some differences between different models of hybrid cars, but the general principle is that the car runs on petrol, and the electric motor kicks in when additional power is required, for example, when going uphill. In some hybrid cars the petrol engine turns itself off when not needed, for example when the car has stopped at traffic lights, keeping only the electric engine running.

Traditional cars have large engines to cope with driving uphill. Most of the time, the high engine capacity is not needed, but the engine continues burning up fuel (燃料). Hybrid cars have much smaller petrol engines, improved by electric motors when needed, so they use less energy. Hybrid cars are also lighter and aerodynamically (空气动力学地) designed for greater fuel efficiency.

Another way that fuel consumption is cut by a system of “regenerative braking (刹车). The electric motor is used to slow down the car, rather than traditional brakes. The energy produced by slowing the car is changed into electrical power, which is automatically stored in the battery. In effect, the battery recharges when you brake. In traditional cars the energy produced when braking is wasted.

Car makers and engineers have been experiencing with electric and hybrid cars since the late 19th century. In 1898 Ferdinand Porsche built an experimental hybrid car. The first mass-produced hybrid car, the Toyota Prius, came out in Japan at the end of 1997. However, hybrid cars became available in the USA only in 1999, when the Honda Insight went on sale.

As they use less fuel, hybrid cars are cheaper to run. There are also many voices in some places to encourage people to buy them. In some countries, hybrid car owners pay a lower rate of tax, and don’t have to pay on certain roads. In some cities around the world, hybrid cars are allowed to park for free.

1.What can we learn from paragraph 2?
A.Hybrid cars don’t need petrol any more.
B.The petrol engine and the electric motor work all the way.
C.Hybrid cars mainly depend on electrical power to run.
D.Some hybrid car petrol engines will stop when unnecessary.
2.Which is NOT the reason why hybrid cars use less energy?
A.Smaller petrol engines.B.Scientific design.
C.Traditional brakes.D.Energy storage.
3.What’s the writer’s purpose of writing the passage?
A.To advertise hybrid cars to encourage people to buy.
B.To show people a kind of energy-saving cars.
C.To compare traditional cars and hybrid cars.
D.To introduce the development of hybrid cars.
Tu Youyou, an 84yearold female(女性)scientist, became the first Chinese to win a Nobel Prize in science on Oct. 5.Before that, she ever won the 2011 Lasker Award for finding out artemisinin(Qinghaosu), which saved millions of lives.She was grateful(感激的)for the Lasker prize, but said, “It is just a scientist's duty.I will go on fighting for the health of all humans.”
Tu kept her work in the 1960s and 1970s.In that age, Malaria(疟疾)could take away people's health.Scientists all over the world had already tried over 240 000 times but failed.Tu Youyou, a member of the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Beijing, began to study Chinese herbs.
Before 2011, people didn't know Tu very much.Many friends played jokes with her “the Professor of Three None's” : no degree(学位), no study experience abroad, not a member of any Chinese national colleges.But she is hardworking.She read a lot of traditional Chinese medicine books and did a lot of researches on the disease.
In February, 2012, Tu was named National Outstanding Females(One of the Ten).Tu is now a model of Chinese medical workers.
1.Artemisinin is used to ________.
A.make medicineB.make food
C.get awardD.do the experiment
2.In the 1960s and 1970s ________ could find ways to stop the Malaria.
A.scientists in China
B.only Tu Youyou
C.scientists all over the world
D.no scientist
3.Tu Youyou became very famous ________.
A.in the 1960sB.in 1970
C.before 2011D.after 2012
4.From Tu Youyou's story, we know that she is a ________ woman.
5.What can't we learn from the passage?
A.Tu Youyou was the winner of 2011 Lasker Award.
B.Tu Youyou was a professor of much experience abroad.
C.Tu Youyou is the finder of artemisinin.
D.Tu Youyou was one of the ten National Outstanding Females.
(1) 内容应包括活动或事件的时间、地点、过程和你的感受:
(2) 文中不得出现真实的人名和校名:词数80~100。开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
Dear Milk,
I’m glad to hear that you are interessted in our environment protection activities. To be an ecological eitizen(生态公民),we did a good job. Last                                   
Now the environment around us becomes better and better. Welcome to my hometown one day.

Travel as a volunteer

Volunteering is hardly a new thing for college students. But how about volunteering in Africa?

Of course this conjures up stereotypes such as shabby accommodation, unmade roads, malaria and huge expense. With young Chinese’s horizons expanding thanks to the country’s deepening integration with the international community, volunteer work in Africa is gaining momentum.

According to Guangzhou Association of Youth Volunteers, during a recruitment drive in March more than 650 students applied for 18 volunteer jobs in the Republic of Seychelles in Africa.

“The number of college students applying to do volunteer work in Africa has increased over the years,” said Yang Guang, a staff member of the Wuhan Youth League Committee. For Chinese volunteers their African experience can be rewarding.

Pan Di, a 25-year-old from Tianjin Foreign Studies University, went to Kenya two years ago as a volunteer English teacher in a ghetto in Nairobi, the capital.

It was a community of half a million poverty-stricken people. Pan was robbed upon her arrival. Verbal abuse to foreigners was not unusual. Living conditions were even worse than she imagined. Pan admitted she felt frustrated and disappointed.

“But my experiences there taught me to remain calm and collected in the face of adversity or even mistreatment. Now I’m more open-minded,” said Pan.

Li Chen, a Shandong University graduate, found his experience of volunteer work in Africa more substantial.

He did volunteer work as a *publicist for AIDS/HIV in Tanzania last year. Li, 23, made new friends from Canada and the US. They are veteran volunteers who travel around the world working with international organizations and groups.

One of them recommended Li to a Guangzhou-based NGO as an intern and Li was later offered a full-time job there.

“International organizations and NGOs of every kind have a presence in Africa. It is the ideal place to form a network that would help your career in a related field,” said Li.

Zhang Qi, head of Sunshine Volunteer Group, based in Beijing, agrees that volunteering in Africa can be rewarding.

He encourages more students to think out of box and to broaden their horizons in order to cope with China’s international role.

“Many college students are either too busy studying or too confined to campus life to explore the world,” said Zhang.

“Travel abroad as a volunteer is one of the best ways to open one’s eyes.”

1.How many students applied volunteer jobs in the Republic of Seychelles in Africa in March?
2.Which country did Pan Di go to volunteer as a teacher?
3.What did Pan Di feel when she arrived in Nairobi?
4.What did Pan Di learn from her experience in Kenya?
5.Who is the head of Sunshine Volunteer Group?

Bitter cold

As the temperatures have dropped dramatically in recent weeks, you will hear more and more sneezing and “bless you” afterwards. Everyone seems to be talking about this year’s flu season. A news report from the US made the cold season sound even more horrible last week.

The US Food and Drug Administration is considering banning the sale of over-the-counter cough and cold medicines for young children because of its weak treatment and unsafe side effects.

What should you do if the doctors are still arguing about what to write on the prescription? If you do get sick, knowing what to do can help you feel better faster.

How can you prevent getting a common cold?

Practice preventative measures: wash your hands, and keep your fingers away from your eyes and nose.

Avoid close contact with cold sufferers.

Help your immune system: get plenty of rest, drink lots of water, eat well-balanced meals, sleep for 7-8 hours per night and take regular exercise.

Try these tips if you get the flu:

Drink lots of fluids.

Get lots of sleep and take it easy. This is a great time to chill with your favorite DVDs without your mom or dad asking you to help out around the house!

Take painkillers to relieve fever and aches. Over-the-counter cold or cough medicines may also relieve some flu symptoms. Avoid taking aspirin, though, unless your doctor says it’s OK. Aspirin can put teens at greater risk of developing another serious illness that sometimes follows infection with the flu virus.

Wear layers. You might be cold one minute and hot the next, and wearing several layers—like a T-shirt, sweatshirt and robe—makes it easy to add or remove clothes as needed.

Wash your hands frequently. You don’t want to spread the flu to everyone else, if you can help it. Also, avoid sharing cups and eating utensils with other people.

Get the flu vaccine in advance. Flu vaccines are available commonly as a shot. The shot contains killed flu viruses that won’t cause people to get the flu, but will cause the body to make antibodies to fight off infection by the live flu virus. Getting a shot of the killed virus causes your body to be protected against the particular type of live flu virus that’s in the vaccine.

The flu shot is about 80 percent effective against the flu, which means that a few people who get the shot will still possible to get the flu. In addition, the shot only contains certain strains of the virus.

1.What kind of medicines have unsafe side effects?
2.What can we do to help your immune system?
3.Why should we avoid taking aspirin?
4.What should we do if we don’t want to spread the flu to others?
5.What can killed flu viruses do?

Polite problems

I’ve noticed a scary amount of politeness lately, and it has made me a little nervous.

I say “scary” because I am not used to being met at the door of a business and led to the proper area of a store to find what I need.

In more familiar times, one would walk into a department store unnoticed, go up to a sales associate, and find him or her talking on a telephone.

You would wait for a minute or so to ask a question of the person, usually a woman. And she, finally deciding to notice you, would turn to face you and say “Yes?” impatiently.

You would ask if her department have a certain popular brand and she would point and say “If we do, they’re over there” and turn back to her phone.

That type of behavior still exists in many stores. But I have noticed a Type B associate lately.

For instance, I was at a store the other day to purchase a battery.

I was met at the door by a friendly woman who gave me a basket, asked what I was looking for, and led me to the battery I needed.

On the very same day, I stopped at a nearby grocery store. I was looking for a special type of bread and the associate wanted to lead me to that too. I said no since I knew where it was, but she led me there anyhow.

Everyone was so sweet that I felt like I was drowning in maple syrup.

Later, I was on the phone to an incredibly polite bank associate who could not help me with an online request. He was so upset that he couldn’t do so that I felt him nearly collapse. With sadness in his voice, he said I had to appear in person at a nearby branch to do my business because they needed me to give them my Social Security number in person. I said, “not a chance” and hung up, but then I began to worry if I had made him kill himself. I think his name was Gary.

Gary, if you’re out there, think of your mom and your little sisters and don’t do anything crazy. It’s just that I’m not used to politeness from a banker, and I forgive your sweetness.

1.Why does the author feel nervous when someone is extremely polite to him?
2.What does the author think of walking into a department store unnoticed?
3.Why didn’t the author want the associate to lead him to the bakery?
4.What did the author feel when people were so sweet?
5.What is the author’s attitude towards the banker?
1.Where did John’s family spend their holiday?
A.On the farm.B.On the beach.C.In the mountain.
2.What did the family advise John to do?
A.To learn to sing.B.To learn to play an instrument.C.To learn to write songs.
3.How did John’s father show the songs?
A.By playing the violin.B.By playing the guitar.C.By playing the piano.
4.How old was John?
A.He was five years old.B.He was six years old.C.He was seven years old.
5.How did the family feel at last?

You may have recently heard of NFT technology, which allows digital (数字的) works of art to be collected and sold for millions of dollars.

But why would people pay so much money for something they cannot even touch? And what is driving the present rise in NFTs? 1.

What is an NFT?

NFT stands for non-fungible token (非同质化代币). 2. It is based on a technology called blockchain (区块链), which is also used with digital money systems known as cryptocurrency (加密货币).

What kinds of things are NFTs?

3. They are usually bought with electronic money. The form of digital money mainly used with NFTs is called ether. NFTs have been used to sell sports videos, pieces of land in worlds that only exist on computers and even the first-ever tweet by Twitter’s founder.

What do people say about NFTs?

Some people mention that traditional art, like a painting, can be placed on a wall and looked at. 4. They point out that even though an artist can “own” a digital piece, others can easily save a copy of the same work as a file on their computer.

What are some prices for NFTs?

In February, a 10-second video showing an picture of former U.S. President Donald Trump sold on an NFT marketplace for over $6 million. The first-ever published tweet from Twitter founder Jack Dorsey recently sold for nearly $3 million.


It is too early to say if it is wise to pay for NFT’s. But so far, many people have objects that are more valuable than what they paid for them. This is no promise, however, that such buyers will be able to sell their digital objects for more money.

A.But digital art is different.
B.Is it wise to pay for NFTs?
C.Why do people pay for NFTs?
D.It is something that is only found in the digital world.
E.NFTs can be found in the form of pictures, video, music and text.
F.Here is some basic information to help you understand the technology.