
1. Mona: I want to buy a book for my 11-year-old cousin and she is very interested in water.
2. Kevin: Every night I have to read a book to my 3-year-old sister. Today I want to teach her how people use water every day.
3.Jill: What is the water cycle? I need a book to know more about it.
4. Mike: We learned about the importance of water and I want to know some good ways to save water.
5.Peter: My science teacher told us to do some easy experiments about water and I need a book talking about it.
We Need Water        by Charles Ghingna
Perfect for younger children, this book talks about all the different ways we use water in our everyday life. It’s a simple book with interesting and colourful pictures.
Ages 2-4     Pages 24
Water Dance        by Thomas Locker
Where can we find rain? This book poetically talks about all the places we can find the rain. It lives everywhere and we experience it in many different ways. This book can be enjoyed by children of all ages.
Ages 4-7 Pages 32
Water! Water! Water! by Nancy Elizabeth Wallace
This is a cute story of Walter and his adventure creating a book about water. It includes some simple and fun experiments kids can try themselves. It helps children understand science in an interesting way.
Ages 6-8 Pages 40
Why Should I Save Water? by Jen Green
This is a great book for young children to learn how to save water through the eyes of a little boy and his neighborhood friend. They talk about why they need to be careful about how much water they use and all the ways kids can save water.
Ages 4-7 Pages 32
Ethan The Raindrop       by Sean Patrick Guidera
Ethan is a little raindrop living in the sky with his family. He becomes nervous when he learns he will be falling to the ground, but he enjoys the excitement of the journey through the water cycle.This is a fun story.
Ages 7-9 Pages 26
The Drop in My Drink      by Meredith Hooper
This book discusses all the ways water is present in our lives and has been a part of the world for millions of years. The book is a bit long so I think it’s best for older preschool children and above. It might be difficult for younger children.
Ages 8-12        Pages 36

Late one night, Gulliver received a warning that some nobles wanted him killed. Quickly, he wrote a letter to the emperor of Lilliput, “I’m off to visit Blefuscu, as I promised.”

Then he hurried down to the sea b1. Lilliput and Blefuscu. The king of Blefuscu himself came out to meet him.

“Welcome!” cried the king. “Stay as l2. as you like.”

Walking on the beach a week later, Gulliver saw a small boat—but a full-sized one. It was floating upside down in the water.

Gulliver rushed to the king and begged, “Can you help me rescue the boat? This could be my c3. to go home.”

“Of course,” said the king. “Take some ships to help you.”

Gulliver s4. out to the boat, holding ropes from each of the ships.

With the ships pulling and Gulliver p5., the boat was brought safely to shore.

Gulliver and the k6. men set about fixing the boat for his long journey home. Soon, the boat was finished.

“I’d like to leave now,” Gulliver told the king. “But n7. one at home will believe my story. Could I take some of your people with me?”

“I can’t possibly allow that,” said the king. “But you may take some cows and a sheep.”

He a8. gave Gulliver fifty bags of gold coins. “I don’t want you to go,” he said. “But I understand why you have to.”

“Thank you,” said Gulliver. “I’ll never forget you all.”

After only a few days at sea in his boat, Gulliver saw a ship. He shouted and waved wildly.

He was l9.! One sailor found him. The ship sailed over and picked up Gulliver. “Where have you come from?” asked the captain. “A place called Lilliput.” said Gulliver and he showed the captain the p10. from the emperor.

The captain was so surprised. For a few gold coins and a couple of cows, he agreed to take Gulliver all the way home.


Each year, our school has a festival. It is held to _________ money for the school. Parents make cakes and bread at home _________ the festival. On the day of the festival, parents bring what they’ve made to the school. All the food is sold in the classrooms. We kids find the day _________ because we can have lots of sweet food during the festival. Since all the money collected will go to the _________, parents are happy to let us spend money that day. Besides (除……之外) food, kids can also _________ second-hand books that are donated (捐赠) by parents. They’re much _________ than new books and lots of them are in quite good condition. However, once you _________ a book you’re interested in reading, buy it immediately. The books sell very _________. Last year, I found a big book I liked. I walked over to my mom to ask for _________, but the book was gone when I returned. What a __________!


After a long day, you may want to pet your cat to relax. A new device (设备) can now give you that same feeling even if you don’t have a cat!

Scientists at Cornell University, recently made a brush-like device, reported New Atlas, an online science website. Wear it on your arm and it can slowly move a piece of soft fur back and forth along your skin. It feels just like touching a furry (毛茸茸的) cat.

Scientists made this device to help people deal with stress. Past studies showed that touching either humans or animals can lower people’s heart rate (心率) and blood pressure, and allow people to relax. Why is that?

According to the science website Wired, this comes from evolution (进化). Primates (灵长目动物) spend about 15 percent of their waking hours grooming one another. They do this to make friends and trade food with others. Chimps (大猩猩) have been found to share food with those that groomed them earlier in the day. Touch is the basis (基础) of this act of kindness.

As humans evolved into the most social animals, touch became a more powerful way to show our ties with others. Many studies found that a hug or a pat can make our body produce oxytocin, a chemical (化学物质) that makes us more trusting, more generous (慷慨的), and friendlier, while also lowering our blood pressure.

The designers of the device also made a system that can detect users’ stress levels. Then it can automatically (自动) start to work when needed. They even want to use the design in the armrest (扶手) of the theater seat. The armrest will touch you while you are watching the movie, and its emotion (情绪) will change with the story in the film.

1.How does the brush-like device work to make users feel relaxed?
A.It brushes people’s arms to clean their skin.
B.People move the fur on the device back and forth.
C.The soft fur on it moves slowly back and forth on people’s arms.
D.The fake furry cat on the device touches people’s arms slowly.
2.Why did the writer use the example of primates?
A.To give suggestions on people’s social activities.
B.To prove that humans evolved from primates.
C.To show that humans differ from other animals.
D.To show the importance of touch.
3.In what way can touch help humans feel more trusting and friendlier?
A.It helps people keep fit so they can feel good about themselves.
B.It is the best way to show friendliness and kindness.
C.It works through a kind of chemical which can influence people’s feelings.
D.It can change people’s body temperature and make them feel warm.
4.What does “its emotion” refer to in the last paragraph?
A.the emotion of the movieB.the emotion of the armrest
C.the emotion of the movie watcherD.the emotion of the film’s story
5.If the passage went on, what might the next paragraph be about?
A.The price of this kind of new armrest.
B.Other good ways to deal with stress.
C.More uses of the detecting system and the armrest.
D.Other recent inventions by scientists at Cornell University.

A promise can go a long way in personal relationships. It is a commitment (承诺) to follow through on your word. But what does it mean when you say “I promise…”, and how does this influence your relationships?

We all have heard “I promise…” time and time again. Promises help us get closer to those we love. Studies suggest that keeping promises holds a lot of emotional value. When we break them, there is a decline (降低) in trust. But why is it so important to keep a promise and how do we stick to it? Here are some important reminders of promises.

Promises are hard work, Usually, it is not easy to follow through on a promise. They require us to step outside of our wants and achieve something for someone else or challenge ourselves to break old harmful habits.

Promises are meant to be taken seriously. Do you remember the first time someone broke a promise to you? When a promise is broken, your reputations (名声), relationships and personal charm suffer. Take each promise you make seriously to make sure that you are not the one causing unnecessary distrust.

Promises are proofs (证明) of love, friendships, family and human connection. Actions speak louder than words. Promises are actions that affirm our love and connection with other people. Whether that connection is through friendships, family or strangers, promises affirm that we want to pass on our feelings to others.

Promises are a necessary part of building our relationships. Making and keeping promises plays an important role in our lives. So here’s a word of advice; always keep your promises.

1.What may happen if we break a promise?
A.We will feel nervous and worried.
B.Others won’t trust us anymore.
C.It’s easy to make another one.
D.Nobody thinks we are kind enough.
2.Why are promises hard to keep according to the text?
A.Many of them are our wishes or dreams.
B.We must live outside to keep them.
C.They need us to challenge ourselves.
D.We hardly get anything from them.
3.In the writer’s opinion, what will happen if we don’t take promises seriously?
A.Our reputations, relationships and personal charm will be affected.
B.We won’t cause unnecessary distrust.
C.We will pass on our feelings to others.
D.We will get closer to those we love.
4.What does the underlined word “affirm” probably mean?
A.Take place.B.Spend time.
C.Pay attention.D.Make sure.
5.Which is the best title for the text?
A.Getting Closer to Those We Love
B.Keeping Promises Matters
C.Breaking Old Harmful Habits
D.Taking Friendship Seriously

A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs l.00 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

If you answered 10 cents, you are not alone—most people give the same answer(the answer is wrong). It’s an example of how we often depend on intuitive responses(直觉反应)—answers we feel are true. People give answers that “pop into their mind,” says cognitive scientist Steven Sloman. We don’t spend much time “reflecting and checking whether the answer…is right or wrong.”

The bat and ball question helps explain why we often believe in fake(虚假的)news. It is part of human nature to believe, says Sloman. But “the trick with fake news is to know to verify”—in other words, to stop and check what you know.

In one experiment, Sloman and a colleague invented a discovery called helium rain. They told a group of volunteers about it, but they did not fully explain what it was. They then asked the volunteers to rate(评等级)their own understanding of helium rain. Most volunteers rated themselves 1 out of 7, meaning they didn’t understand it.

The researchers then told another group of volunteers about the discovery. This time, they said the scientists could full y explain how it works. The volunteers gave an average answer of 2. The scientists’ confidence gave the volunteers an increased sense of their own understanding of it, Sloman says.

According to Sloman, studies show that knowledge spreads like a contagion(接触传染). This idea can be seen in many fields, including politics(政治). “If everyone around you is saying they understand why a politician is dishonest,” Sloman Bays, “then you are going to start thinking that you understand, too.”

So, in a world where misleading information is common, is there a way to protect ourselves? “I don’t think it’s possible to train persons to check everything that they encounter(遇到),” Sloman admitted. “It is just too human to believe what you are told.”

However, training people to care about fact-checking is important, he argued, especially in online communities. Think of the headlines and stories that are shared on your social media feed every day. Probably these fit in with your own worldview—but perhaps not all of them are true.

“We should check things and not just take them at face value,” Sloman said, “Make sure if it is true before you believe.”

1.The writer uses the example of the bat and ball question to show that ________.
A.people often forget skills that they have learned at school
B.there is often more than one possible answer to a question
C.many people give quick responses without thinking carefully
D.people sometimes are too careless to get the right answers
2.How much does the ball cost?
A.5 cent.B.10 cent.C.15 cent.D.20 cent.
3.More volunteers said they could understand helium rain after ________.
A.some of the volunteers explained it to them
B.Sloman and his colleague showed them how it works
C.they heard that scientists could explain it confidently
D.they examined the conclusion carefully by themselves
4.What does the writer probably agree?
A.It is important to do an experiment based on scientific research.
B.The second group of volunteers are more confident than the first.
C.People can be cheated easily because of too much fake news.
D.People should be trained to check before they believe something.

Now students’ English handwriting(书写)gets worse and worse. That makes their teachers feel worried. Is your English handwriting beautiful?1.

Use paper with lines

When you write English words or sentences, you can use paper with lines. That will make your handwriting straight.2. Be sure to fill the lined space completely. And make sure these capital letters (大写字母) are written properly.

Slow down

If your writing is hard to read, just slow down a little. 3.If you write too quickly, it's hard for you to stop where you should, and you may make more mistakes easily.


When you hold your pencil in the correct way, writing is much better. Some kids press down really hard when they write. That makes the hand writing bad. Try to be relaxed and don’t hold the pencil so hard. Let your writing appear nice and clean. If you do so, people will guess you are a student with a good habit.

Draw more pictures

5.While you are drawing pictures, you need to use the skills to control (控制) your pencil better. Even though you have no chance to draw at school, you can practice by drawing at home.

Handwriting is very important. Imagine you are a famous movie star or a well-known sports player, what do you do when your fans run up to you? Give them your autographs (亲笔签名) , of course!

A.If not, here are four steps that really work!
B.Hold your pencil right
C.Drawing can improve your handwriting.
D.We will try to learn English well.
E.Going slower makes your handwriting clearer.
F.Those lines on the paper can help you to write words in the right size.

Notice on the first Round of City-wide Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)

In order to safeguard the lives and health of the people, Zhuhai has decided to launch the first round of city-wide nucleic acid testing that includes all the people in Zhuhai. The notice is as follows:

Testing time: 9:00-12:00 am, 13:30-21:00 pm, March 17 (Thursday), 18 (Friday)

Testing Places:

1 Schools where the students study (for students and teachers)

2 Designated hospitals in different districts of Zhuhai (for adults outside schools)

Ways of making an appointment(预约):

1 No need for making an appointment, teachers will tell you the time for Nucleic Acid testing. (for students and teachers)

2 Make an appointment before you go for the nuclei acid test through the following link or QR code(二维码)before 12:00 on March 16. (for adults outside schools)

Link: https://linshulu.net/f/Vx41M6

QR code:

Testing guides

1 Bring your ID when going to the testing station and voluntarily show your “Yuekang Code” and “sample collection QR code” to the volunteers.

2 Wear a mask at all times and keep a distance of at least 1 meter away from others.

3 No talking or gathering.

4 Follow the instructions of the volunteers on site and never fight with others or your will get punishment from the government for your behavior.

5 Leave the testing station as soon as possible after finishing your testing.

Results Query

Check the nucleic acid test report by yourself in “Yueshengshi” on the next day after the testing.

Zhuhai Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention

March 16, 2022

1.When can the adults in Zhuhai have their Nucleic Acid Testing?
A.9:00 am on March 17B.13:00 pm on March 18
C.12:30 pm on March 18D.8:30 pm on March 18
2.Where can the students in Zhuhai have their Nucleic Acid Testing?
A.At home.
B.In the designated hospitals in different districts of Zhuhai.
C.At school which the students study in.
D.At the testing station on the road.
3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A.Everyone should make an appointment for the nuclei acid test.
B.The adults outside school have two ways of making an appointment for the nucleic acid test.
C.People can talk with each other when they have their nucleic acid test.
D.The students needn’t show their “Yuekang Code”.
4.What can we infer from the passage?
A.People can know the result of their nucleic acid tests as soon as they finish it.
B.You should show your “Yuekang Code” or “sample collection QR code” to the volunteers.
C.People may be punished because of their bad behaviors when they have their nucleic acid tests.
D.Families can stand together without any distance while they are waiting for their nuclei acid tests.
5.The notice is made by ______.
A.Designated Hospitals in Different Districts of Zhuhai.
B.The government office which is in control of “Yueshengshi”.
C.Zhuhai Command Center for COVID-19 Control and Prevention.
D.Teachers and volunteers who are responsible for the nuclei acid test.


2.来自英国的Carol来中国几次,喜欢中国的名胜(places of interest)和美食。
3.来自加拿大的David喜欢中国产品,喜欢在中国购物和移动支付(mobile payment)方式。
4. …
2. 90词左右,文章开头已经给出,不计入总词数。

With the rapid development of China's economy, more and more foreigners have a better understanding of China.
