
Thanks to in-depth reporting by the Wall Street Journal, we now know that Facebook has long been aware its product Instagram has harmful effects on the mental health of many adolescent users. Young girls, in particular, struggle with their body image thanks to a constant stream of photos and videos showing beautiful bodies that users don’t think they can attain.

While the information the Journal covered is essential and instructive, it does not tell the whole story. Deep down, this is not an Instagram problem; it’s a people problem. Understanding that distinction can make the difference between a failed attempt to contain a teen’s interest in an addictive app and successfully addressing the underlying problem leading to mental distress induced (诱发) by Instagram.

Critics were quick to shame Facebook for sitting on the data and not releasing it to researchers or academics who asked for it. Others criticize the social media giant for not using the research to create a safer experience for its teen users. The anger, while understandable, is misplaced.

While I’m reluctant to defend Facebook, I’m not sure it’s reasonable to blame the company for withholding data that would hurt its business. Have you ever binge-watched (狂看) a Netflix series? I assure you it wasn’t a healthy endeavor. You were in active, likely did nothing productive, mindlessly snacked and didn’t go outside for fresh air. It is an objectively harmful use of time to stare at a TV or laptop for a full weekend. Should we respond by shaming Netflix for not alerting us to how damaging an addictive product can be?

While it’s reasonable to say Instagram makes esteem issues worse, it strains credulity (夸张到难以置信) to believe it causes them in the first place. You create your own experiences on social media. For the most part, you choose which accounts to follow and engage. If you’re already vulnerable to insecurities and self-sabotage (自损) — as many teens are — you will find accounts to obsess over. And this isn’t a new phenomenon.

Before social media, there were similar issues fueling self-esteem issues. Whether the target be magazines, movies or television shows depicting difficult-to-attain bodies, there has been a relatively steady chorus (异口同声) of experts nothing the damage new media could cause young viewers.

Self-esteem issues have an underlying cause — one that’s independent of social media use. Instagram merely enhances those feelings because it provides infinitely more access to triggers than older forms of media. It’s more worthwhile to address those underlying factors rather than to attack Facebook.

1.The author thinks the criticisms against Instagram __________.
A.are successful attempts to change teens’ interest in addictive apps
B.address the Instagram - induced mental pain
C.are only based on the data released by Facebook
D.are not directed at the fundamental problem
2.Netflix is mentioned to __________.
A.compare the criticisms against it and Facebook
B.defend why Facebook is to blame
C.suggest the critics’ remarks are not to point
D.show Netflix does more harm to teens
3.The Instagram problem is essentially a “people problem” in that __________.
A.it is human nature to get addicted to social media
B.users decide on their experiences on social media
C.people have a tendency to feel insecure online
D.people are keen on fabricating their self - profile
4.What is the passage mainly about?
A.the unprecedented criticism facing Facebook
B.the alarming online habits of teenagers worldwide
C.the root cause of Instagram - induced mental strains
D.the harmful impact of Instagram on teenagers



y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


