Alison is my best friend. Her family won a 5-day stay in a mountain house. Her mom and dad said I could join. A few weeks later, we _______.
“What a great place!” Alison’s dad said.
“It’s looking like a little cloudy,” said Alison’s mom, looking at the sky.
As you might have guessed, the clouds did mean ______. LOTS of rain.
“I guess we’ll have to find something else to do,”said Alison.
We ______ a couple of board games and a pack of cards. At first it was fun, ______ we ended up playing those games for about 30 hours, stopping only to eat and sleep!
“I can not play anymore,” I said on the third day. “How about we just read by ourselves for a while?”
“I have a better idea,” said Alison. “How about we _______ instead?”
“I think a little quiet time would be nice,” I said, opening a book I had brought.
“Oh, come on! Don’t be _______. I’ll pick the first song,” Alison started singing.
“Could you please leave me alone?” I snapped (怒气冲冲地说).
“Wow! Happily!” she sapped hack. “How about we both leave each other alone forever?!”
This makes me think of the expression “too much of a good thing”. Alison’s dad said, “You know how one piece of cake tastes _______, but 10 pieces of cake is too much? Spending every second with anyone—even your favorite person—is like _______ too much cake.”
“I guess that makes sense,” Alison said. She looked at ______. “I’m sorry for not understanding.”
“I’m sorry for snapping at you,” I said.
The weather got way better on the fourth day, so we actually got to go outside. The hiking was really fun! The happiest part of all is that Alison and I are still great ______. We just make sure to give each other some peace when we need it.
6. | A.surprising | B.exciting | C.boring |
7. | A.smelly | B.delicious | C.bitter |
10. | A.friends | B.students | C.players |