
DNA is the whole “map” of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of the DNA to make our own.

People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look similar to other people in our family. It is because of small things called “genes(基因)” in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are real messages. They are written in the DNA with a special language.

In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word” that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell(细胞)to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just   one “word” means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do.

Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine to help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words” and find out more information, we will use in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive(有吸引力的), or stop sick people getting jobs.

1.Who discovered why we look like other people in our family in 1860?
A.Crick.B.Watson.C.Mr. Harris.D.Mr, Mendel.
2.The two scientists found ________ in 1961.
A.all the words in the DNA map
B.small things called “genes” in our body
C.the first “word” that they could understand in that language
D.the small parts are written in the DNA with a special language
3.How can we help sick people if we understand more “words” in the DNA map?
A.Make better medicineB.Stop them getting jobs
C.Tell them what to doD.Make them attractive
4.According to the passage, all of the following are true except that ________.
A.we look like our parents because of “genes” in our body
B.we have understood what all the words in the DNA map do
C.DNA is the whole “map” of the human body
D.DNA tells the cell o build its parts
5.What do people think of this research about DNA?
A.It can be badB.It can be good
C.It can be good but won't work.D.It can be good and bad.



y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


y = sin x, x∈R, y∈[–1,1],周期为2π,函数图像以 x = (π/2) + kπ 为对称轴
y = arcsin x, x∈[–1,1], y∈[–π/2,π/2]
sin x = 0 ←→ arcsin x = 0
sin x = 1/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/6
sin x = √2/2 ←→ arcsin x = π/4
sin x = 1 ←→ arcsin x = π/2


