Julia wishes she could draw well. She wishes she could draw circles, nice faces, trees and houses. But she can’t draw anything right. All of her pictures are a mess. Julia doesn’t like her drawings.
Julia can’t draw circles. They look like eggs. She can’t draw trees. They look like mashed potatoes sitting on a stick. She can’t draw houses. They look like bottles of ketchup.
Julia doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t want to give up, but her pictures are awful. Julia tries a sharp new pencil. Her circles still look like eggs. Julia takes a piece of green paper. Now her trees look like green mashed potatoes.
Julia is ready to give up. Then she picks up her pencil and draws a frowning face with her left hand. The face is neat and round. She doesn’t have to give up drawing. She just has to draw with her left hand. Then she draws her cat on a clean piece of paper. Her picture is perfect.
1. Julia wants to draw , but they look like eggs. ( )One day, a dog sees a big bone when he walks in the woods. On his way home, he meets an owl. The dog shows off his bone, “I bet you’ve never seen a bone this big.” The dog sees his reflection in the river. “Look! That dog has a bigger bone. I want that bone too.” The dog barks at his reflection in the river. “Give me your bone!” The dog jumps at his reflection in the river. “Where’s that dog? Where’s his bone? Where’s my bone?” The dog finds nothing in the river. “Next time, be happy with what you have.” The owl says. The dog learns his lesson.
( ) 1. The dog is greedy.bark a lot B. walk on the concrete C. take one of Dad’s slippers to the kitchen D. pull the washing down E. walk in the mud F. push the Lego over | ||||
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