1. 你想知道兔子在哪里,你会问:_______________
A. What is the rabbit? B. Where is the rabbit?
2. 你找不到袜子了,你会怎样问妈妈:_______________
A. Where is my socks? B. Where is my sock?
3. 当你想知道你的帽子是不是在床底下时,你会问:_______
A. Is your hat under the bed? B. Is your hat on the bed?
4. 当你想知道松鼠是不是在袋子里,你会问:_______
A. Is the squirrels in the bag? B. Is the squirrels behind the bag?
5. 你想知道对方有没有看见你的书,你会问他:___________
A. Do you see my books? B. Do you have got my books?