新来的英语老师想要考考大家,你能准确找出下面句子的答语吗? [[QOrDeR]]() Good Morning. 【小题2】( ) How many books do you have? 【小题3】() How many students are there in your class? 【小题4】() Welcome to our class.
There are forty students in our class. There are ten boys. There are thirty girls.
[[QOrDeR]]How many students in your class? _______________________ 【小题2】How many girls? _______________________ 【小题3】How many boys? _______________________
中英互译。 [[QOrDeR]]这是我们的新英语老师。 _____________________________________ 【小题2】班里有十个男孩和三十个女孩。 _____________________________________ 【小题3】Welcome to our class. _____________________________________ 【小题4】And only ten girls. ______________________________________ 【小题5】This is our new PE teacher. ______________________________________
把下列单词组成句子 [[QOrDeR]]_____________________________________( is that the bathroom) 【小题2】____________________________________( sleep go in the I bedroom to )