( )1.你最好的朋友离开,你可以说:
A. I’ll miss you.
B. I’ll mess you.
( )2. 你建议大家做一个毕业纪念册,你可以说:
A. Why not make a year book?
B. Why don’t make a year book?
( )3.你告诉老师你可以为班级做一个DVD:
A. I can make a DVD for our class.
B. I can take some photos of our class.
( )4. 你告诉老师你可以为班级拍一些照片:
A. I can make a DVD for our class.
B. I can take some photos of our class.
( )5. 你认为可以邀请她的父母来参加聚会,你可以说:
A. We can invite her parents to the party.
B. We can invent her parents to the party.